Organic Wheat Berries_ 3 Pounds – Non_GMO_ Kosher_ Raw_ Sproutable_ Vegan_ Sodium and Sugar Free

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Now: $40.48
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Wheat berries are amazing in many ways. They are delicious if cooked right and you can use them to grow wheatgrass, which is even more delicious. They offer a great number of health benefits to everyone and can be integrated into any diet. Organic Wheat Berries from Food to Live are a high quality product created with love and care. We buy produce only from the most reliable organic farmers who use advanced technology to grow and process wheat without using any toxins. Nutritional Value Cooked wheat berries are a great source of protein and dietary fiber. They are also rich in essential minerals (selenium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium) and B vitamins. The nutritious value of wheatgrass is even greater. It will provide you with a huge dose of antioxidants. Directions Organic Wheat Berries will make a great addition to your pantry regardless of whether you want to sprout them or not. Cooked wheat berries can be eaten on their own, added to salads, or used in a variety of dishes flavored with exotic spices. Wheatgrass tastes best in salads and sandwiches. You can also use it to make a healthy green juice. This product is processed in a facility that also processes tree nuts.