Organic Tattva Semolina Coarse Rawa Suji, 500g USDA Organic Certified

Was: $119.90
Now: $59.95
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"Organic Tattva Semolina" is likely a variant of semolina offered by the Organic Tattva brand, which specializes in providing organic food products. Semolina is a type of coarse flour that is typically made from durum wheat. Organic semolina is produced using wheat that has been cultivated following organic farming practices, which means it's grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Organic Tattva might market their semolina as a healthier and environmentally friendly option, emphasizing the absence of harmful chemicals in the cultivation process. It could be used in a variety of recipes, ranging from traditional Indian dishes like upma and halwa to international cuisines like pasta and baked goods. For the most accurate and detailed description of "Organic Tattva Semolina," I recommend visiting the Organic Tattva website or contacting their customer support directly. Keep in mind that product offerings and descriptions may have evolved since my last update.