Organic Rye Berries_ 3 Pounds _ Whole Wheat Grain_ Non_GMO_ Kosher_ Raw_ Bulk Seeds_ Product of the USA

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Organic Rye brings one of the most ancient and revered grains to your table. People have been cultivating this grain for over 4000 years. It spread from what the lands currently known as Turkey all over the Middle East and Europe. Organic rye berries are nutritious, delicious, and extremely good for you. Nutrition Data Organic rye berries contain lots of B vitamins and a variety of minerals: Manganese Phosphorus Zinc Magnesium Iron Copper Organic rye berries are extremely rich in dietary fiber and protein. Due to fiber and overall high nutritional value, organic rye berries will be a good addition to a weight management diet. How to Cook Cooking organic rye berries takes a while. If you soak rye grain berries overnight, they will only take about 45 minutes to cook. Otherwise, the process can take about 3 hours. To cook organic rye berries, you'll need to use 1 cup of water per ½ cup of dry grains. Be sure to add about ¼ teaspoon of salt. Drain cooked organic rye berries and serve while they are still hot. If you plan to use organic rye berries in a stew or other dish that will require them to cook further, drain them while the seeds are firm Organic rye berries, sprouted or not, should be cooked. If you are 100% sure that your sprouts weren't contaminated by any bacteria, you can eat them as they are. However, rinse them extremely well and drain thoroughly. Add this kind of sprouts to salads and sandwiches. Cooked rye berries go well in salads, both warm and cold. They taste good with any type of vegetable. Organic rye berries are perfect for delicious and healthy baked goods. However, organic rye bread requires yeast to make. Don't forget that you can mix whole berries into the dough for extra-crunch. The most important thing is to keep them dry and cool.