ORANGE THAI- Chili/Chilli PEPPER -Capsicum annuum-- 50 SEEDS- Very rare

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Daikon Radish< div < img src= border= 0 > < br> < a href= border= 0 > < /a> ORANGE THAI PEPPER-20 SeedsCapsicum annuum (Capsicum annuum) Beautiful and useful ornamental, a real showstopper when all the fruits turn from green to orange. Loaded with 2½ cayenne-type peppers. Great for container growing. Can dry and use for seasoning. 80-90 days from transplant. HOT. A thin, Thai-style pepper, unique for its orange ripening pods. The slender pods grow to a few inches long and have colorful, orange skin. They are quite hot in flavor, typical for Thai peppers. Single plants are prolific and can yield 100-200 fruits.Sow seeds indoors ¼ deep. Peppers germinate best in warm soil, so gentle bottom heat may be helpful until seedlings emerge. Wait to transplant outdoors until soil is warm. Growing Peppers: Peppers, like tomatoes, grow in well-drained fertile soil Almost all peppers have the same requirements for successful growth.  Plant them in good, well-drained, fertile soil – and make sure they get lots of sunlight and a good inch of water per week.  In many ways, they mimic the same requirements needed for growing great tomatoes. At Planting Time: We plant all of our peppers with a good shovel full of compost in the planting hole, and then give them a good dose of compost tea every few weeks for the first 6 weeks of growth.  We also mulch around each of our pepper plants with a good 1 to 2? thick layer of compost. Peppers often like to take their sweet time germinating. They can be up in a week, and some will take almost a month. Even with paper towel germination testing, they can take long. I am not sure why, but it is a normal occurrence. So plan and make sure you start them early enough! Also, remember they like heat to germinate so make sure you havExported By ExportYourStore