Options 101: A Beginner's Guide to Trading Options in the Stock Market

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Learn to avoid pitfalls and become a profitable options trader. Benefit from someone with more than 20 years' experience.

Steve has done the research so you don't have to. Many people think that options are too dangerous, but Steve effortlessly guides you through the principles of safe and successful options trading.

These principles will help you build a strong trading foundation and keep you from succumbing to stressful situations that will cost you money. Don't over-leverage yourself, cause yourself unnecessary stress, and risk your capital.

In this book you will learn:

  • Option basics
  • Stock options as trading tools
  • How to increase your options
  • How stock options are priced
  • The Greeks
  • Common mistakes option traders make
  • Risk management with stock options
  • The truth about weekly options
  • This is how I roll
  • How not to use options
  • Does selling option premium give you an edge?