Onnit Instant Melatonin Spray - 3mg Melatonin Per Serving -Mint-

Was: $75.80
Now: $37.90
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Let's face it, we humans rarely abide by the Earth's natural day/night sleep cycles. Electricity has created artificial light (not to mention television!) to allow all manners of work and play to exist deep into the dead of night, and most sleeping quarters provide blinds or curtains to block out the arousing rays of the morning sun. The result is that some of the mechanisms that have evolved inside us to assist with the sleep process have been thrown askew. One of these mechanisms involves the hormone melatonin. In a normal, pre-electricity scenario the pineal gland would release melatonin at the onset of darkness to help induce a desire to sleep. However, artificial light, especially high-frequency blue light from visual electronics has been known to shift the release of melatonin, which can perturb sleeping patterns. Ingesting supplemental melatonin in our ‘ready to go’ spray can help the body signify to you when it is time for your body to sleep. In assisting the body's natural desire to rest, the melatonin can help the body to enjoy a more restful sleep experience. By placing the melatonin in a spray format, with two delicious breath-freshening flavors, you have a fast and simple delivery system for this vital sleep hormone.