Omnipure L5515 Granular Activated Carbon Filter with Lead Removal

Was: $120.80
Now: $60.40
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The Omnipuire L5515 is a 1 micron granular activated carbon filter that has the ability to remove lead and cysts from your water. Sized at 10 x 2-1/2 inches the L5515 is equivalent to the L10HMLC filter. This filter only needs to be replaced up to once a year depending on use. Ideally this filter is to be used on applications such as ice makers, refrigerators, reverse osmosis systems, and beverage systems. Installation is quick and easy thanks to it's design and compatibility with automatic shutoff heads. Conveniently you can use this filter on valved and non-valved heads. This product is made in the U.S.A and uses NSF certified materials, and meets standards 42 and 53. Add this item to your cart with fast same day shipping!