Nutri Essentials Tart Cherry Extract Capsules - Anti-Inflammatory Anti-oxidant Joint Support - Promotes Healthy Uric Acid Levels - Supports Regular Sleep Cycle -120 Count 2000 Mg

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What is Tart Cherry? Also known as montmorency cherries, tart cherry is a true superfood. Made from the fruit of the Prunus cerasus tree, tart cherry extract contains various nutrients and beneficial plant compounds. Evidenced by its dark red color, tart cherry is rich in anthocyanins, the plant based and natural anti oxidants that help in preventing or delaying cell damage caused by radicals. Health Benefits Cherries can be extracted to produce a delicious and refreshing cherry juice, a great juice drink to include in your juice cleanse regimen. Though cherries are nutritious, the taste and level of nutrients may vary from one cherry to another. Compared to black cherry juice, for example, which tastes sweet, Tart Cherry juice tastes sour but contains higher level nutrients and anthocyanins compounds. And while some people may not like the taste of tart cherry juice, taking it as a supplement can be a more convenient way of getting the same health benefits from this amazing fruit extract.By taking 2 capsules daily or as directed by a health care professional, Nutri Essentials Tart Cherry Extract dietary supplement will hep you get the same health benefits which include:Provides powerful antioxidants in the body which help in neutralizing radicals to support healthy aging Supports stronger collagen protection for a healtheir bone structure, skin, muscles and joints Promotes healthy blood pressure level and healthy blood vessel linings A natural source of melatonin and tryptophan that help in promoting healthier and better quality sleep Fights inflammation, and joint pain Naturally rich in potassium, which helps in post workout recovery