NutraBio HMB Supplement – 1000mg per Serving 180 Capsules

Was: $87.88
Now: $43.94
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NutraBio HMB is a clinically proven ergogenic aid that has been shown in over 50 human studies to improve strength and power gains, increase lean mass, and aid recovery. HMB (short for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate) in an active metabolite of leucine that has both anticatabolic and anabolic properties. Due to these attributes HMB reduces muscle protein breakdown while also inducing muscle protein synthesis. This means HMB can lead to rapid strength gains in less time, significantly increase lean muscle mass, support more complete muscle recovery, and reduce muscle damage from resistance exercise. In fact, a recent position stand by the International Society of Sports Nutrition validates these claims. Based upon the comprehensive review of the HMB literature they concluded that HMB enhances muscle recovery by attenuating muscle damage; HMB increases muscle hypertrophy, strength, and power in trained and untrained populations when the appropriate exercise protocol is applied; HMB efficacy is manifested in young and old; and HMB is safe to consume. Like creatine, beta alanine and other well studied and proven performance enhancing compounds, NutraBio HMB makes a solid addition to any athletes training regimen and supplement stack. For example, research has shown when HMB is combined with creatine, the ergogenic benefits, as compared with what could otherwise be achieved by either compound independently, are significantly increased. Furthermore, you can rest assured that the HMB you are getting from NutraBio is an authentic, quality product as we source our HMB from Metabolic Technologies, who holds the use patents on HMB. If your current HMB product doesn't have the Metabolic Technologies HMB logo on the label it is more than likely not HMB.