Nutmeg Whole Myristga Fragrance 7 Oz _200 gm_ Non_GMO and Gluten Free Soliaura Ingredients_ Organically Grown

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Soliaura Nutmeg is the seed or ground spice of Myristiga fragransplant (fragrant nutmeg or true nutmeg). Nutmeg comes from an evergreen tree native to the Spice Islands near Indonesia, but has been cultivated throughout the tropics by both native cultures and foreign. Nutmeg is a dark-leaved evergreen tree cultivated for two spices derived from its fruit: nutmeg, from its seed, and mace, from the seed covering. It is also a commercial source of an essential oil and nutmeg butter. The Nutmeg seeds are dried gradually in the sun over a period of six to eight weeks. During this time the nutmeg shrinks away from its hard seed coat until the kernels rattle in their shells when shaken. The shell is then broken with a wooden club and the nutmegs are picked out. Dried nutmegs are greyish brown ovals with furrowed surfaces. The essential oil obtained by steam distillation of ground nutmeg is used in the perfumery and pharmaceutical industries. Not only did native cultures find use for them in cuisine and medicine, nutmeg caused a fervour for the English, Dutch, Chinese, Indians, and pretty much anyone else who came in contact with it. Nutmeg grated is fantastic with savory dishes to include braised vegetables, steamed spinach, onion sauces, or pasta. Other great applications include apple pie, muffins, spiced wine, eggnog, puddings, or any other sweet dish. Regular intake of Nutmeg in small quantity as food supplement helps to improve digestion and stop bad breath. Nutmeg helps to improve blood circulation. Nutmeg helps to calm agitated mind and decrease pressure in the brain and blood. Nutmeg supports healthy brain functions.