Noni Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract Organic Noni Morinda citrifolia Dried Fruit Glycerite Natural Herbal Supplement Hawaii Pharm USA 2 fl_oz

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Noni is a plant that grows into a small tree of about 10 feet in height and is native to Polynesia. The fruit is the size of a potato and has pineapple like spots on it. It turns bright yellow when it is ready for picking. The fruit has a strong, very unpleasant smell and bitter taste. Noni was mentioned in Ayurvedic texts well over 1000 years ago as Ashyuka, which means longevity, and was used as a balancing agent. The fruit itself is quite odoriferous, which makes the powdered form a more palatable way in which to take noni. Unlike other fruits, the noni has no "season", so it can be harvested every month from the same tree.