THE BEST OF HEALERS IS GOOD CHEER. Pindar Philosopher Albert Schweitzer said, There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats. You might not be giving real, live kitties but an image of a group of cats will surely provide some feeling of relief, especially coming from a friend. Let it be known that your thoughts are with your friend as he or she is confined to bed and that you wish him or her a speedy recovery and happier days ahead. OVER 39 YEARS OF QUALITY HUMOR NobleWorks' fun and humorous greeting cards have been making people laugh and blush since 1980 BC (before eCards were present). These high quality, good as gold cards are printed on-demand (and we are very demanding!) in the USA or Canada. Many of our fabulous custom and colorful cards are also available blank to appease one's closeted creative urges. You are free to make these blank and generic fold over cards more modern and unique to your work or office, write personal messages, or draw cute and fancy pictures. . . There are merely 7,000 hilarious cards in the collection, from silly to slightly risqu to inappropriate dirty adult humor gifts, offering a plethora of everyday and seasonal occasions. Are you thinking a lasting impression is important? ORDER NOW! Dare to laugh!
NobleWorks - Big Cartoon Feel Better Card 8_5 x 11 Inch - Get Well Soon Humor Funny Comic Greeting - Crazy Cats J6109GWG
- SKU:
- UTH32818
- UPC:
- 745469216394
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.