NIKA SEEDS - Flowers Indian Cress Double Gleam Mix Nasturtium Annual - 15 Seeds

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 NASTURTIUM DOUBLE GLEAM MIX  An annual flowering plant that grows up to 12-20". A beautiful, fragrant, double and semi-double petaled flowers in various colors with diameter 1-1.5". Blooms from June until frost. Planting instructions:   Nasturtiums don't like their roots disturbed; plant seeds outside after all chance of frost has passed or indoors in peat pots, ready for transplanting when the weather warms. Make scarification of seeds using a sheet of coarse sandpaper rubbed over the seed for a few minutes or a nick with a sharp knife removes enough of the hard surface so that water can enter the inside. Place the seeds in a bowl and covering them with warm water to soak overnight, you can help the hard shell soften so the seedling can emerge. Once water penetrates the outer shell, the germination process begins. Nasturtiums germinate when soil temperatures reach 55 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the seeds are prepared for planting, they are inserted 1 inch deep into the soil or a moist sterile planting mix. Then the seeds are completely covered with moist soil or sand. Nasturtium seeds require moisture and darkness to germinate. The seedlings should emerge from the soil in seven to 14 days. Place the seedlings in a brightly lit location after they sprout.