NIKA SEEDS - Flowers Delphinium Dwarf Mix Annual - 70 Seeds

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Now: $21.90
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DELPHINIUM DWARF MIX  An annual flowering plant that grows up to 10 to 20". An unusually shaped flower with diameter 1 to 2", in white, pink, red, blue, and purple colors. Grows best in sheltered place.   Planting instructions:   If growing Delphinium from seeds, germination is greatly increased by a 7-day cold treatment. Place seeds and slightly damp paper towels in a bag and store them in the refrigerator. Then planting material is placed in a gauze bag and left in a solution of potassium permanganate bright pink for 20 minutes. Fill a seed tray to within 1/2 inch (1cm) of the top with sterile seed-starting compost. Mist the compost with water until the top 1 inch (2 cm) feels wet and let it soak in for five minutes before sowing the delphinium seeds. Place the delphinium seeds on the surface of the compost, spacing them one inch (2 cm) apart. Cover them with a 1/4-inch (0.5 cm) thick layer of seedstarting compost. Mist it with water and gently firm the surface. Place the seed tray outdoors in a sheltered, lightly shaded garden area where temperatures stay between 65 and 75 F (15-20 °C) during the day. Watch for germination in 10 to 20 days. Grow the delphinium seedlings until they reach at least 3 inches (8 cm) tall and have two pairs of true leaves. Then plant the delphiniums in a partly shady bed with deep, moist soil.