NGOSEW Open Toe Free Motion Quilting Darning Spring Foot for Viking Machine 4130376-46

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Now: $45.85
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For free motion embroidery, stippling, darning and monogramming.  This spring-loaded foot helps avoid skipped stitches as the needle moves up and down with the foot. This foot is not made by Viking.Made in Taiwan Group 7 Models: Designer SE, Designer I USB, Designer I, Quilt Designer II, Designer II, Quilt Designer, Designer Diamond, Designer Topaz 30, 20, Designer SE, Designer SE Limited Edition, Designer I, II, Quilt Designer, Quilt, Designer II , Sapphire 875Q, 870, 855, 850, 835, 830 Group 6 Models: Platinum 955 E, 950 E, Platinum Plus, Platinum 770, 775, Platinum 750 Quilt, 755 Quilt, Platinum 730, 735, Platinum 715, Rose 600, 605, Iris, Scandinavia 400, 300, 200, Interlude 445, 435, Lily 555,550,545, 540, 535, 530, 500, Freesia 445, 435, 425, 415, 400, 350, Lisa, Angelica, Viva, Victoria, 500, Facette 500/400, Emerald, 203,183 Group 5 Models: Prelude 340, 360, 350, 370, Scandinavia 100, Daisy 335, 330, 325, 320, 315, 310, Oscar, Sophia, Emma, Lena, Romeo, Juliet, Anna, Sarah, 250, 230, 225/215, 210, 205, Jeans, Hugin * Not for Emerald Series 122, 118, 116 Group A Models: Huskystar Type A 219-224 Group B Models: Huskystar 207 & 215 Type B snap-on feet, C10, C20, E10, E20, Husky 145, 140 Group E Models: 19, 20, 21, 33, 19E, 20E, 21E, 49E Alternative Part Numbers Include 4166134-45 , 4126134-45