Nature's Sunshine Multiple Vitamins and Minerals 60 Tablets

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Now: $29.41
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Multiple Vitamins and Minerals, SynerPro contains 100 percent of the Daily Value for 16 essential vitamins and minerals in the SynerPro concentrate base. This important combination also contains varying amounts of seven other vitamins and minerals. Two tablets provide the following nutrients: Amount % DV Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 5,000 IU 100 Vitamin C 60 mg 100 Vitamin D 400 IU 100 Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherols) 30 IU 100 Thiamine (Vitamin B1) 1.5 mg 100 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 1.7 mg 100 Niacin (as nicotinic acid) 20 mg 100 Vitamin B6 2 mg 100 Folic Acid 400 mcg 100 Vitamin B12 6 mcg 100 Biotin 300 mcg 100 Pantothenic Acid 10 mg 100 Calcium 250 mg 30 Iron 18 mg 100 Phosphorus 180 mg 20 Iodine 150 mcg 100 Magnesium 100 mg 30 Zinc 15 mg 100 Selenium 50 mcg 70 Copper 2 mg 100 Manganese 1 mg 50 Chromium 100 mcg 80 Molybdenum 76 mcg 100 Take 1 tablet with a meal twice daily.