Nana s Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Was: $81.90
Now: $40.95
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Nana used to tell us we were a “chocolate chip off the old block”. And, for every good deed, we were lucky enough to receive her delicious chocolate chip cookies! Full of flavor and chunks of semi-sweet chocolate, Nana perfected this guilt-free, tasty version of a cookie’s most classic flavor. Now, you can have your cookie and eat it too! Available in a shareable bag, you can share with your friends or family or keep them all to yourself - we won’t blame you and Nana says it’s okay! Nana’s Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies are Certified Gluten-Free, Kosher D.E. Pareve Pas Yisroel, Vegan and Project Non-GMO Verified. They are free of gluten, dairy, eggs, and GMO ingredients, and contain no high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oil, or artificial flavoring. At Nana's Cookie Company, we pride ourselves on our wonderful selection of delicious cookies.