Mulino Bianco Spicchi di Sole shortbread with butter and eggs - 14 Oz 400g Pack of 2 Italian Import

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shortbread with butter and eggs If you want a simple taste , that respects the tradition every morning, then the wedges Sole Mulino Bianco : so much goodness with butter and eggs for a special breakfast and nutritious . Ideal for those who ... ... Believes that a good morning start with breakfast: a cheerful , solar , served slice after slice . If you want to make them at home , this is the recipe Ingredienti: 500g di farina 00; 1 uovo; 40g di latte fresco; 70g di burro; 200g di zucchero; una bustina di lievito; un pizzico di sale. Lavorare la margarina con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere una crema ben montata. Aggiungere gli altri ingredienti lasciando per ultimi la farina e il lievito. Lavorare lentamente fino ad ottenere un impasto omogeneo. Stendere una sfoglia alta 8 mm circa e tagliare i biscotti con uno stampino a forma di spicchio. Cuocere in forno a 180°C per 10/15 minuti, su una teglia imburrata. ingredients : 500g of flour 00 ; 1 egg ; 40g of fresh milk ; 70g butter ; 200g sugar ; a packet of yeast ; a pinch of salt . Mix the margarine with sugar until creamy well mounted . Add remaining ingredients leaving for last the flour and baking powder . Work slowly until dough is smooth . Roll out the dough about 8 mm high and cut the cookies with a cutter in the shape of clove . Bake at 180 ° C for 10-15 minutes , on a greased baking sheet .