Mule Deer Hunt Picture Frame ~ Hunting Gift ~ Gift For Hunter ~ Hunting Picture Frame ~ Mule Deer Hunter Gift ~ First Hunt Gift ~ Customize Your Engraving ~ Hunting Decor ~ Picture Frames

Was: $108.48
Now: $54.24
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Did you or someone you know just go on a successful hunting trip? This picture frame will help keep those memories alive forever. It is great as a gift or even as for decoration around your own home. These come in 4x6 ~ 5x7 Alder Wood Picture Frame. We choose Alder because of the beautiful contrast our engraver does with our images. Alder is a lighter wood that brings out the beautiful engraving. The back has an attached easel or you can hang it by the sturdy clips that are pcitured. You can choose either Horizontal-Landscape or Vertical-Portrait Style.