Mr. Bean The Animated Series_ Vols. 5 and 6 _Grin and Bean It The Ends Justify the Beans_

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Help yourself to another hilarious helping of Bean! The comic idol loved around the world is back! And now he's funnier--and more animated--than ever in a series of side-splitting adventures. Fans new and old will flip over the cartoon escapades of the crown prince of comedy Ronan Atkinson in MR BEAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES. (This set contains a total of 16 episodes 2 segments per episode) DVD Features:: Double Trouble Voice Recording--Rowan Atkinson Records the Voice of Mr. Bean; No Parking and The Fly Live Action Guide--Rowan Atkinson Acts Out the Role of Mr Bean; Mr Bean: The Animated Series Trailer; Mr. Bean: The Whole Bean Trailer; Photo Gallery; Rowan Atkinson Biography and Filmography; Interactive Menus; Scene Selection