Moringa Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract Moringa Moringa Oleifera Leaf Glycerite Natural Herbal Supplement Hawaii Pharm USA 2 oz

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Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) grows up to 12 m, the stem of the plant reaches a diameter of 45 cm. Young shoots have pubescent bark of greenish-white or reddish color. With age, it becomes naked and changes color to a whitish-gray. The trunk of the plant is covered with thick cork bark. The fragile branches of the plant form a drooping crown. The leaves of the plant are three-fold paranoid with obovate or elongated whole-extreme leaves. The flowers of Moringa reach 1.5 cm in length and 2 cm in width, they have five yellowish-white thin-veined petals, and the flowers grow on long hairy stems and are collected in hanging inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are brown hanging triangular pods. The pods contain dark brown spherical seeds.