Morello Cherry Jam by Alain Milliat 230 gram

Was: $107.80
Now: $53.90
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The morello cherry belongs to the sour cherry family. In France it is mainly used for brandy and pastries. Alain Milliathas chosen the Oblacinska Morello Cherry variety for its sugar-acid balance.This jam makes a great addition to any gourmet breakfast. Alain Milliat produces in a traditional home-style manner , fruit juices, nectars, jams and fruit purees, that are characterized by authentic and natural flavors. New products are introduced every year based on harvests and new discoveries by Alain Milliat. This farmer's son from Lyon started his adventure with the aim of validating the quality of the raw materials of his own products. This is how the idea of creating juices and nectars that reflect the characteristics of the fresh fruits was born. In 1997, he created 6 products out of his own production, he then went and met about 60 sommeliers throughout France in order to let them taste his creations and get their reactions. Seduced by these high end products which fit perfectly in the line of todays gastronomy, he was encouraged by all to move forward with his project. To give to the customers the pleasure and taste of fresh fruits at the peak of maturity, respecting their nature and its variations, showing the best of each fruit through a collection of Juices, Nectars and Jams -that's the challenge that Alain Milliat has taken on. Unlike industrial juices and nectars that simply duplicate the same uniform flavors each year, Alain Milliat's products vary each season. Their taste and texture vary by year and the climate variations that occur. They represent that this uniqueness is their products' signature. The aim of its creator is to stick as close as possible to the unique characteristics of each fruit. In addition to knowing the optimal time to harvest, he also wants to duplicate the texture which leads to the pleasure of a fruit eaten at full maturity. Since Alain Milliat products are gourmet ...