Ordinary teenagers have been chosen to save the world from Evil Space Aliens. Using special Power Morphers, the teens call on the spirits of the ancient dinosaurs and transform into incredible Power Rangers with the ability to summon the mighty Power Zords. When all else fails, the Power Zords join together to form even more powerful battle machines. Will they be strong enough to save us from destruction? Morph your favorite teen into a Power Ranger by pushing down quickly on the Power Morpher Belt Buckle. To change back into a teenager, rotate the helmet back and down until the teenage head is on top and the chest and back panels are closed. Now you're ready to morph again!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Auto Morphin Jason from Bandai by Power Rangers
- SKU:
- JA477479
- UPC:
- 045557023119
- Condition:
- New
- Availability:
- Free Shipping from the USA. Estimated 2-4 days delivery.