Mexican Candy Assortment Bag Mix 20 COUNT Best Mexican Snacks Variety of Spicy Sweet and Sour Mexican Candies Dulces Mexicanos Perfect Mexican Candy Bulk Gift Set by Pawesome Things LLC

Was: $69.88
Now: $34.94
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?? What's included: ? What's in the candy mix? 1 Rockaleta, 1 Pelon Pelorico, 1 Rebanaditas Paleta, 1 Pulparindo Yellow (Tamarindo), 1 Pulparindo Red (Tamarindo extra spicy), 1 Pulparindo Watermelon, 1 Vero Elote Paletas, 1 Vero Mango Paletas, 2 Chirris Rebanaditas, 2 Canels Gum (flavors will vary), 2 Aciduladito (flavors will vary), 2 Pica Goma Tamarindo, 1 Mini Obleas, 1 Duvalin Strawberry / Hazelnut, 1 Duvalin Strawberry / Vanilla, 1 Duvalin Vanilla / Hazelnut. ? Fresh candy guaranteed. Hand picked in order to insure perfect quality! Candy is individually wrapped. ? Availability: Some candies may change depending on availability and quality assurance. Package will alway contain 20 candies ? Candies manufactured by different brands. Packaged and assembled by Pawesome Things LLC