Mesquite Powder Organic - Premium Peruvian Raw USDA and Paleo Certified Vegan Flour - Natural Fiber - Perfect for Smoothies and Baking 14 Ounces

Was: $73.48
Now: $36.74
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Flour Power of the Desert You've heard of mesquite wood, but the real prize of the mesquite tree is its seed pods. With its subtle, smoky sweetness, the fine powder of ground mesquite pods is a delicious, gluten-free delight. Think hazelnut, cinnamon, cocoa. With its low glycemic index, fiber, and protein content, this delicious traditional flour from the desert is a superfood that deserves your attention.

Usage Substitute a portion of white flour with mesquite powder for added complexity and reduced gluten, or try blending it in your smoothies and sprinkling it on desserts.

#earthtonelife Food is life. We depend on it for sustenance, for pleasure, for culture and well-being. And yet our modern lifestyles and industrialized food can sometimes make our Earth's most basic, soul-strengthening nutrients seem out of reach. Earthtone is here to bring those amazing ingredients back into your life. We know the best nourishment comes straight from the heart of nature, not science labs. We also prioritize amazing nutrition over costly marketing campaigns. By making nature's nutrients accessible to all, we're here to make sure modern living can also mean a great life.