Mayan's Secret USDA Certified Organic Babassu oil, antioxidants and vitamin E

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Now: $25.85
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Since Babassu oil acts as a deep conditioner, the babassu hair benefits are remarkable. Just use it for a couple of weeks and you’re likely to notice smoother ends and less breakage. Some people like to add a few drops to their shampoo and conditioner to simplify consistent application. Tip: Heat the oil briefly until it melts, then add it to your shampoo/conditioner and shake well to mix. You might want to experiment with small amounts until you learn the best ratio of oil to shampoo/conditioner. A dry scalp is an unhealthy scalp, and the properties of babassu oil for hair growth can promote a healthy scalp and nourished hair. By restoring your hair’s elasticity and strength, and moisturizing the skin of your scalp itself, your hair doesn’t fall out as quickly. The oil is also fantastically nourishing to your scalp as a massage oil, and it won’t cling to the roots of your hair as coconut oil does. Babassu oil can reduce the symptoms of a variety of scalp irritations, including dandruff.