Master High Temperature Copper Plus RTV Silicone Gasket Maker Sealant 3.35 Ounce Tube 6 Pack

Was: $71.88
Now: $35.94
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Premium Copper Silicone is designed to meet the special needs of all of today's high performance automobiles....with special emphasis on high-revving 4-cylinder and turbocharged engines. The superior quality of Premium Copper makes it far more oil resistant than other silicone products, much stronger when used between oily surfaces, and more flexible than cork and composite gaskets. Premium Copper seals dissimilar materials (such as steel to aluminum) and similar materials and remains flexible under use. Sealant is not recommended for uses where continuous immersion in gasoline involved, or for head gasketing applications. OEM specified. Formulated for hi-temp applications, or heavy-duty use (such as towing, etc.). Replaces almost any cut gasket by making reliable "formed-in-place" gaskets that resist cracking, shrinking and migrating caused by thermal cycling. Coats pre-cut gaskets to increase reliability. Resists auto and shop fluids.