MagniLife Relaxing Leg Cream Pain PM Relief Sleep Aid For Restless Legs Cramping Discomfort Tossing Natural Soothing Deep Penetrating Topical with Magnesium Lavender 4oz

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MagniLife Relaxing Leg Cream PM pain reliever and nighttime sleep aid. For trouble sleeping due to restlessness and leg discomfort. Calms and relaxes the unpleasant sensations that make it difficult to fall asleep. Relaxing Leg Cream PM can be applied directly to the legs and contains vitamins and minerals that quickly absorb to relieve those aggravating symptoms. Non-greasy formula is ideal for sensitive skin and contains no petroleum, mineral oils, dyes or fragrances. Testimonial: "A must-have when your legs won't stay still. Been using it for 2 months now and its taken care of the RLS. I apply it when the symptoms occur prior to bedtime. If Im awakened during sleep it takes only a few minutes to get relief. What a Godsend!" --Dave (US). CALMADO RESTLESS Y RELAXES JITTERY LEGS: Alivia las sensaciones de reptaci??arrastre, tirones, calambres, dolor y picaz??YUDA PARA DORMIR: calma y relaja sensaciones desagradables en las piernas que lo impulsan a moverse y le dificultan conciliar el sue??NGREDIENTES NATURALES: Consiste en ingredientes nutritivos como el Aloe, Lavanda, Salvia, Vitaminas A y E que ayudan a calmar la piel de forma natural. El aroma suave de lavanda ayuda a relajarse y te ayuda a conciliar el sue???r?do INGREDIENTES SEGUROS: Libre de petr??, aceites minerales, tintes o fragancias. Homeop?co. Salud de la naturaleza ABSORBENTE NO GRASERO Y RPIDO: se aplica con facilidad y profundidad para apuntar r?damente al ?a del problema sin dejar residuos grasos externos.