M and MS SNICKERS and SKITTLES Fun Size Chocolate Candy Variety Mix 29.82-Ounce Bag 55 Pieces

Was: $51.86
Now: $25.93
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There's something for everyone to enjoy with this M&M'S, M&M'S Caramel, SNICKERS & SKITTLES Fun Size Variety Mix Candy Assortment. This bag contains individually wrapped fun size packs of M&M'S Milk Chocolate Candy, M&M'S Caramel Chocolate Candy, SKITTLES Original Candy and SNICKERS Candy Bars. With 55 pieces per bag, there's more than enough delicious candy to share. Stock up with this bulk candy package to keep the office pantry filled with treats for everyone. This candy assortment is also great for passing out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween, filling Christmas stockings or adding to Easter baskets. Always be ready for your next candy-sharing opportunity with individually wrapped MARS WRIGLEY Confectionery Candies.