Lungwort and Coltsfoot Liquid Extract Organic Lungwort Pulmonaria officinalis and Organic Coltsfoot Tussilago Farfara Tincture 2 oz

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Now: $38.90
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Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is a perennial herb up to 30 cm tall with a thick, well-developed branched rhizome. The stalk is up straight, covered with hard bristly hairs. The leaves are rough, also pubescent, with bright spots. The flowers are located at the ends of the stems, collected in inflorescences - loose curl. Calyx is narrow-bell-shaped, five-lobed, green or bluish. Corolla is with bell-shaped limb; pink or violet-pink at blossoming flowers. After blooming, the flowers turn blue-violet. Pollination occurs with the help of insects, the nectar in the flower is protected from all ineffective pollinators by a long corolla tube. Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) is a perennial herbaceous plant 10-25 cm high, with a long thick creeping branched rhizome, covered with scales at the apex. Coltsfoot blooms in early spring in March-April. The stems are up-straight, unbranched, densely planted with scaly brownish-red leaves covered with woolly hairs.The fruits are cylindrical achenes with crest. The fruits ripen in May-June.