Love Takes Time

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Why do we fall in love? Perhaps we like the way it makes us feel. Maybe somehow we yearn for pain the same way the dry dessert yearn fro rain, even though rain will eventually destroy it. Shakira had all these questions and more and soon found out that somehow wherever there is pleasure, there is also pain. We only live an average of 75 years or less and that is not nearly enough time to find and enjoy true love. So when you find it you must take advantage of the little time you have. when Shakira found Duane, her thoughts were of a perfect man but little did she know that the only way to be perfect is by making mistakes. Dissapointment arose on the horizon when her reflecyions of a flawless relationship turned out to be erroneous. The problems that made Duane weaker are the same exact issues that forced Shakira to become stronger but when Nick comes in the picture, he appears to be a life raft sent from heaven to rescue her. Did she confuse a coincidence with fate? How far will she let this life raft drift her into uncharted waters? Shakira could see her pain coming from a hundred miles away, but there was nothing she could do about it, except remain patient because love takes time.