Living Landscapes- Earthscapes - Sacred Canyons of the Southwest -Blu-ray-

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Now: $45.43
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Product Description Canyonlands Peer through graceful stone arches carved by the wind, your windows on deep blue desert skies and vistas of rounded stone pillars, sun-struck in glowing red and gold. Zion National Park Cool off near the Weeping Cliffs of Zion, where thousands of silver droplets seep through layers of sandstone to feed tiny plants clinging to rocks. Bryce National Park Wonder at the bizarre landscape of towering mazes and the rose-tinted natural amphitheaters of Bryce Canyon. Arches National Park Witness massive boulders balanced on spired sandstone pinnacles, awaiting the timeless moment when wind and frost will send them crashing to the desert floor. Review Transforms your television into a mesmerizing and peaceful journey through glorious, exotic locals. Filmed in High-Definition, gentle background music and 5.1 surround sound add to the immersive experience. --New Age Retailer