Lisianthus Seeds 50PcsEustoma Fllower Seeds Plants Perennial Flowering Plants Balcony Potted Flowers Seeds … -Green Lisianthus Seeds-

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LISIANTHUS SEED-SOWING REQUIREMENTS: Patience, Surface Sowing, Continually Moist Sowing Medium, Light, and More Patience. WHEN TO START SEEDS INDOORS The main requirement for growing lisianthus successfully from seed is patience. Lots of patience. Lisianthus requires about a six-month growing period from seed-sowing to flower. In my area, at the northern edge of Zone 6, where we have a six-month growing season and an average last frost date of April 15th, seeds should be sown indoors, preferably under plant lights about the beginning of January, or even as early as mid-December. TEMPERATURE Germination takes two to three weeks at temperatures of 70° to 75°. Seedlings require light to germinate, so they will need to go in a sunny window or be placed under plant lights. LIZZIE SEEDS NEED LIGHT TO GERMINATE; DO NOT COVER SEED As with all seeds that require light to germinate, the seeds must not be covered. This is especially important for Lizzies, because the seeds are very tiny and sowing is simply a matter of lightly pressing the seeds into damp soil medium. Follow this same procedure, even if using pelleted seeds. The way to sow Lizzies is to put pre-moistened growing medium into the container of your choice and then gently press the seeds into the surface of the damp medium. Seeds must be kept moist until germination, preferably without surface watering, which might disturb the seeds and bury them under the sowing medium. I have suggested peat pots or cells, because they allow for easy bottom-watering, which is critical to avoid disturbing the surface-sown seeds. The easiest way to keep seeds and sowing medium continually moist is to cover the containers with plastic bags.