Ligo Sardines in Tomato Sauce with Chili Added Spicy - 5_5oz 3 units

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Ligo Sardines in Tomato Sauce with Chili Added in 5.5oz (155g) can. The original flavor Ligo Sardines is known the world over for its excellent taste. Ligo Sardines in Tomato Sauce contains sardines in fragrant and aromatic tomato and pepper sauce. Ligo Sardines is also one of the best natural sources of Omega 3 and calcium. Ready-To-Eat. Contains Zero Transfat. Product of Philippines. Halal Certified and#1581and#1604and#1575and#1604 .No Preservative and#8800 | Fatty Acid and#84863 | Good For Heart and#9829 | No Trans Fat.