Life Science DVD by Rock N Learn

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Product Description Marko the Pencil leads students on an entertaining adventure full of learning excitement. Topics include photosynthesis, parts of a plant, life cycles, genetic traits and adaptations, plant and animal cells, food webs, and more. A surprise rock star explains xylem and phloem cells. Clear explanations and examples hold interest and help boost test scores. Students also learn tips for getting high scores on a life science test. Review This DVD held all three of my children's attention. What I found interesting is that my 16 year old is in a science academy honors class and a lot of this DVD covered details of what he was reviewing last year, and it definitely would have been very helpful.The younger ones were also captivated and enjoyed the content. I also love the fact that it taught test taking strategies. -- -Reviewer, iParenting Media Awards 2009 Best Products

This is one of my favorite DVDs that I have been sent by IParenting Awards. This is a lesson the kids have learned each year in school and I know it can be presented in many ways but this DVD is fantastic. The illustrations are fun, bright and easy to understand. The kids love the fact that they knew most of what was being taught and would say, "I know that." I love hearing that. We are building a butterfly garden and it was neat to hear the kids talk about the "life cycle" as we were planting the other day. We do not watch a lot of TV but when we do, I prefer things like this knowing that the kids like to watch it. It was very entertaining for them. -- -Reviewer, iParenting Media Awards 2009 Best Product

"A wonderful educational DVD that is perfect for homeschoolers or as an additional support tool for students who are learning Life Science in school. The range of lessons from photosynthesis to the life cycle of a butterfly, food chains and genetic traits really impressed our testers. If you think this is in any way a staid lecture video, you could not be more off base. Rock 'N Learn teaches lessons like this by utilizing songs, comedy and trivia games really helped the ideas take hold. We should only have been so lucky to have DVD's like this when we were in school. The fact that there is a web site for free study materials that compliment the DVD is great. -- review, National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval Report 2009 This is one of my favorit