Lavender is a purple flower that grows from a bright evergreen shrub that can flourish to about four feet tall. A favorite ingredient among cosmetic and self-care products, lavender is not just a flowering plant, but a versatile herb with an aroma that is uplifting and serene. You can find Lavender in a variety of different forms including capsules, pills, extracts, gummies, powder, chewable tablets, essential oils, perfumes, soaps, and more.
Now, you can reap the benefits of lavender with our Lavender Calm™ softgels. Each softgel provides 80 mg of Lavender derived from the Lavandula angustifolia flower. This formula is non-GMO and non-drowsy, so you can choose to take one softgel per day at any time, but preferably with a meal.
's Promise
proudly offers an ever-growing selection of products designed to help you achieve your unique wellness goals. We verify all products with third-party, FDA-registered agencies ensuring purity, potency, safety, and innovation in everything we do. We’re committed to supporting you in your journey to healthy living, and we thank you for choosing us!