La Moderna Five 5 Pack Pasta Bundle One 1 Pack Each of Vermicelli Pasta Fideo Pasta Melon Seed Pasta Stars Pasta Gears Pasta

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Now: $59.94
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In these days of "fresh is better," wouldn't it seem like fresh pasta would be preferable to dried pasta? After all, fresh pasta is often locally-made and uses, well, fresh ingredients, while dried pasta is shipped over long distances and has been sitting on shelves for an unknown period of time. But not so--like red and white wine, like soft and hard cheeses, like the West Coast and the East Coast, neither kind of pasta is superior to the other. The truth is that they are just different and certain types of pasta are more suited to certain kinds of sauces and cooking methods. Dry pasta is made from finely ground semolina or durum flour and water (no egg, usually) that is mixed into a paste, pushed through molds, and cut into the multitude of pasta shapes we know and love. (Just like those old Playdough Fun Factories!) Unlike fresh pasta, this pasta is dried at a low temperature for several days until all the moisture has evaporated, allowing it to be stored almost indefinitely. Dry pasta is best suited for hearty dishes like ragu sauces, soups, and casseroles since it's a firm structure will hold up better with other ingredients. It is often combined with oily or tomato-based sauces, vegetables or fish. Finally, pasta is a perfect foundation for healthy, nutritious and satisfying meals: pasta is generally eaten with nutrient-dense food partners, such as fiber-filled vegetables and beans, heart healthy fish and monounsaturated oils, antioxidant-rich tomato sauce and protein-packed cheeses, poultry and lean meats. Pasta offers: (1) carbohydrates that provide glucose, the crucial fuel for your brain and muscles. Pasta is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates for a sustained source of energy, (2) pasta is very low in sodium and cholesterol-free, & (3) pasta has a low Glycemic Index (GI) so it does not cause blood glucose levels to rise quickly. Moderation is the key so you can add it into your diet without worrying about your weight!