Kicko Amoeba Putty - Pack of 12 2-Tone Putty in Googly Eye Container - Kneading, Molding, Squishing, Playing - Educational for Kids, Party Favors, Sensory Toy

Was: $52.88
Now: $26.44
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Are you looking for an enjoyable sensory toy and stress reliever for your kids? Or maybe you are looking for a great party favor for big and small occasions alike? Then Kicko has the perfect product for you: The Amoeba Putty! This Putty is a great squishy-squashy toy that your kids are bound to enjoy! It is completely safe for kids for it is made up of non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and non-radioactive materials.

Great Sensory Toy

The Colorful Putty is designed to deliver a sensory and tactile stimulation for home, school, and the office. Its squeezy and slippery texture makes a pleasant and self-pacifying tool for children and teens; and a great stress-reliever desk toy for homework, office breaks, meetings, or to fidget with during long phone calls.

Rewarding Gift The putties are so tiny that it works as party favors, loot bag stuffers, a treasure in a mystery box, Easter eggs, or gaming materials for your friends and family on birthdays, baby showers, Slumber parties, Easter Sunday, Halloween's trick or treat, Christmas season, Year-end celebration or any occasion. It will also work as kids' awesome compensation for their improving behavior and class participation.

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