Keep the Immigrants - Deport the Racists

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Keep the IMMIGRANTS - Deport the Racists! What is happening to families seeking asylum at our southern border is inhumane, barbaric, and in a word deplorable. Families Belong Together - Immigrants Built America - Return the Children - Immigrant Rights Matter - Brown lives Matter - Black lives Matter - Civil Rights are Human Rights - No Human Being is Illegal - Love has No borders - Dream Act Now - DACA - No Ban No Wall. And a border wall isn't going to cut down on crime or keep terrorists out of the Country because Racist White Men are already here. So Keep the Immigrants - Deport donald trump. Keep the Immigrants - Deport the GOP. Keep the Immigrants - Deport the Republicans. Keep the Immigrants - Deport the tRumpanzees. Resist. Dissent is Patriotic. Resistance is Patriotic.