Jurassic Ginkgo Tree Seed Grow Kit The Jonsteen Company

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Once widely scattered across the face of the globe, the amazing Ginkgo biloba, commonly known as Ginkgo Tree, Golden Fossil Tree, or Maidenhair Tree, is not only a physically beautiful, strikingly-unique, and tenaciously-hardy tree, it is a living link to the remote, prehistoric past. Of all Earth’s plants and creatures, Ginkgo Trees are perhaps the best example of what Charles Darwin called a “Living Fossil.” According to paleobotanists examining the fossil record, Ginkgos have existed on Earth for some 270 million years, and Ginkgo biloba may well be the oldest still-living seed plant on our planet. Today’s “modern” Ginkgo Tree is the sole living representative of a classification of trees (order Ginkgoales, family Ginkgoaceae, genus Ginkgo) that once dominated the planet’s vegetation on all continents. Ginkgo Trees are considered conifers, and their closest relatives in the tree world are members of the yew family. Even so, Ginkgos up-close are so curious-looking that no other trees really come close to resembling their singular appearance. In fact, no other seed-grown plant has leaves that look anything like the Ginkgo’s trademark fans. Starting with their leathery, fan-shaped leaves, Ginkgo Tree’s have an ancient, otherworldly aspect to them. Ginkgos can grow quite large, with some reported to be over 160 feet tall in forests in China. Despite its propensity for prodigious growth, this tree also does well in containers and is quite amenable to pruning. Hence, it can be easily kept smaller for use in a small garden or as a deck or patio tree. Likewise, Ginkgos are also wonderful candidates for bonsai. Left to grow naturally in the landscape, Ginkgos typically reach a mature height of 60 to 100 feet with a stout, silvery trunk, and a branch spread of around 30 to 50 feet. Here’s your chance to plant a living fossil, and a truly beautiful tree!