JENOLITE Rust Remover Thick Liquid Remover Rust Back to Bare Metal 34 oz 1 Litre

Was: $109.88
Now: $54.94
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Jenolite Rust Remover Thick Liquid is perfect for removing rust from almost any metal object. The liquid formula chemically reacts with the rust, making it easy to remove. This product is a fantastic solution for dealing with rust on any iron or steel-based metal. The thick liquid formula works well for tight recessed areas, box sections and tubular components. Our tried and trusted rust remover is simple to use, like all Jenolite products. You can apply with a brush and the non-drip formula ensures that it won’t run, making it ideal for use on vertical surfaces. This rust killer is excellent for treating boat and yacht keels, caravan subframes and garden gates. The thick liquid rust remover also works well on threaded surfaces which cannot be immersed. Jenolite — the professional choice since 1939.