iPlay, iLearn Army Toy Trucks, Take Apart Toys W/ Screwdriver, Assembly Military Vehicles, Build Your Own Play Set, STEM Learning Gift for 3, 4, 5, 6 Year Olds Boys, Girls, Kids, Toddlers, Children

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Now: $30.94
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CLICK'SoldbyiPlay,iLearn'ABOVEANDEXPLOREMOREWONDERFULGOODS~ -----------iPlay,iLearn------------ AboutFounder: iPlay,iLearnisacaring,familybusinesscreatedbyanEarlyChildhoodTeacherandMother,whowantedtoensurethatallChildrenhaveaccesstofun,safetoysthatassistintheirdevelopmentoflifeskillsandthinkingprocesses,andhelpthemstartstrongontheirpathwayoflearningandsuccess. iPlay, iLearn Kids Military Vehicles, Assembly Army Toys, Take Apart Trucks W/ Tool, Build Your Own Play Set, STEM Learning Gift for 3 4 5 6 Year Olds Boys Toddlers Children ----------ProductDescription ---------- Features: Take apart toys can strengthen their hand-eye coordination. The military vehicles means that more children can play together, offers the fun and excitement of a batting cage for young developing players. ***OurToysaretestedwithEN71,ASTMF963andCPSIA.AlltoyspassedFederalHazardousSubstancesActRegulations.*** SafetyTested(CPSIA):Tested *Packingdimension:14"*7"*5" WHATYOUGET:Military Vehicle x 2 Extra Screw x3 Screwdriver x1 Recommendedage:36MONTHS UP Click"AddtoCart"yellowbuttonaboveandgetitforyou