InVite Health Vitamin C -Ascorbic Acid- 500 mg- Antioxidant Protection and Support for Connective tissues and Blood Vessels Health. 100 Capsules -Pack of 1-

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Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, meaning that your body does not store it. You must obtain this powerful antioxidant from food, including citrus fruits, brocolli, and tomatoes or a Vitamin C supplement on a daily basis. Vitamin C helps protect the heart and artery walls and is required for the health of the lungs and immune system. Vitamin C is required for the conversion of protein to Collagen; 30% of our body is made out of Collagen, including 70% of our skin, 36% of our bone tissue, and 67% of the cartilage in our joints. Collagen also forms tendons, ligaments, the organic dentin of teeth, blood vessels, the lining of the intestines, meniscus of the knees, and the discs of the spine.* Vitamin C is required for the biosynthesis of L-Carnitine, a nutrient that allowed us to convert calories into energy. Vitamin C is also necessary for protecting vision during the aging process and interacts with Vitamin E to protect the brain. Brain function is very dependent on Vitamin C, in conjunction with B-Complex Vitamins. Vitamin C is actively transported and concentrated into brain tissue, and is particularly concentrated in the most metabolically active tissues.* Some scientific evidence suggests that consumption of antioxidant vitamins may reduce the risk of certain forms of cancer. However, FDA has determined that this evidence is limited and not conclusive. Normally, scurvy is associated with a historical condition relating to those lost at sea. However, the National Nutrition Examination Survey found the prevalence of Vitamin C deficiency and depletion to be up 23% of the American population, and less than 18% of adults consume greater than 30mg per day (half of the RDA). Symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency are low-grade inflammation, fatigue, limping, gum bleeding, or swollen extremities, and often mimic other conditions such as vasculitis, rheumatic disorders, and poor lung function. The study showed that smokers, those who did not use supplements, and non-Hispa