Invisible Belt Suspender/Shirt Stay turns your undershirt into suspenders by attaching to it and hooking belt. Keeps shirt tucked & stays hidden. Airport-Friendly Undergarment Suspender/Shirt Garter

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Now: $58.94
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Belt Boss is your best kept secret accessory, boosting your image and confidence by keeping your waistline sharper all day long. Your pants will not sag. Your shirt will stay firmly tucked in the front, and untucking on the sides and back will be less frequent if you have a belly. Your belt will stay higher so that less of your belly hangs out above the belt. Belt Boss is great for military uniforms to keep the belt at the ideal height and to maintain a straight gig line. It might also help you to slightly conceal gynecomastia (aka "man boobs" or "moobs") by adding slight tension to the front of the undershirt thereby compressing the chest lightly. WARNING: Belt Boss is NOT for use with police belts, duty belts, tool belts, nor belts loaded with heavy object(s); Also NOT for use with thick heavyweight fabric undershirts.