Invincible [DVD]

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Adding to cart… The item has been added Invincible opens with a glorious display of high comic book melodrama, as a malevolent superbeing named Os (Billy Zane, chewing the scenery with his dependable gusto) battles it out with a force of light called the White Warrior. When she opens his heart to love, Os finds himself commissioned to assemble a team of mortal human beings destined from before birth to become hyperhuman protectors of life--and only they can save the earth from the Shadowmen and their truly bad leader, Slate. It's all ridiculous, but for a while Invincible is completely entertaining, directed with verve, visual flash (including surprisingly good special effects and well-choreographed kung fu), and a silly but effective script. Unfortunately, about half-way through the movie grows visually repetitive and its good/evil scenario loses its juice, but that first half was still damn fun; Zane gives trashy dialogue the trashy zest it needs. --Bret Fetzer Product Description Invincible stars Billy Zane (Titanic, Tombstone) in an invigorating martial-arts fantasy about the ultimate fight of good versus evil! Os (Zane) is a martial-arts expert whose life purpose is to train a band of misfits to fight the ultimate evil. Once part of the Shadowmen-a cult of dark angels who want to destroy the Earth Os was shown "The Way" and gave up his immortality to help mankind. Now, Os and his students must take on his former friend Slate, the ultrapowerful leader of the Shadowmen, in a battle to save the world! Also starring Byron Mann (TV's Dark Angel, The Corruptor) and featuring amazing fight scenes staged by renowned martial-arts choreographer Tony Ching-don't miss this hard-hitting treat!