I Heart Guts Stomach Lapel Pin - I Ache For You

Was: $65.88
Now: $32.94
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Pardon his grumbling, but this little stomach pin wants to come home with you. And maybe have a snack, yum, yum, yum. This fancy little 1.25" organ pin comes packed on a card and was made in China. I Heart Guts happy organs put a smile on your face and smarts in your brain! Our adorable organs make the perfect gift for everything from a broken heart to a tummy ache. Get your feet wet in anatomy or bone up on your physiology with our nerdy plush toys! I Heart Guts is the brainchild of an anatomically obsessed illustrator who loves internal organs and all they do. Founded in 2005, our bare-bones family operation strives to offer plush organs with love, style and geeky puns. I Heart Guts plush organs were named Best of Toy Fair by Popular Science magazine in 2014.