I Heart Guts Muscle Plush - Im Flexy and I Know It - 15 Physical Therapy Gift Stuffed Toy

Was: $77.88
Now: $38.94
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Give this 15" tall x 5" wide x 4" thick muscle plush a powerful hug! Take it to the gym for extra lifting strength. Educational booklet hangtag explains the wonders of all the body's muscles and muscle tissue. Push, pull, shove, hug — muscles make you move! Your largest muscles — quadriceps and gluteus maximus — are also the strongest, but the heart muscles work the hardest, since they never rest. These amazing soft tissues give the body its strength and flexibility. Muscle is power! Delight your physical therapist with this special stuffed toy. Designed in California, made in China. I Heart Guts award-winning happy organ plush toys make the perfect present for everything from a broken heart to a tummy ache. Whether you’re getting your feet wet in anatomy or want to bone up on your physiology, I Heart Guts Original Plush Organs will bring a smile to your face and smarts to your brain. I Heart Guts is the brainchild of an anatomically obsessed illustrator who loves internal organs and all they do. We have over 40 plush organs for you to love, hug or punch. Founded in 2005, our bare-bones family operation strives to offer plush organs with style, geeky puns and brainy body facts.