I Heart Guts Eyeball Plush - Party Pupil in the House!

Was: $75.88
Now: $37.94
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This 10 x 7 x 4.5 fluffy peeper loves eyeglasses, but hates eye patches and is looking for someone special. These orbs of light sensitive tissue, fluid, and muscle are our wonderful windows on the world. Specialized cells translate light, dark and color into signals the brain can understand. Too bad we only get two: scallops can have up to 100 Book like educational hangtag sheds light on this complex and important organ. Funny present for your favorite ophthalmologist or budding optometrist. Thats some nerve Designed in the U.S., made in China. Safe for all ages.I Heart Guts happy organ plush toys make the perfect present for everything from a broken heart to a tummy ache. Whether you're getting your feet wet in anatomy or want to bone up on your physiology, I Heart Guts will bring a smile to your face and smarts to your brain. I Heart Guts is the brainchild of an anatomically obsessed illustrator who loves internal organs and all they do. Founded in 2005, our barebones family operation strives to offer plush organs with love, style and geeky puns.