Hydroponic PH UP/DOWN 100 ml Nutrient solution concentrate for twopiece

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The kit consists of two products: the pH up and pH down. Easy to use for both beginners and professionals of hydroponic cultivation. pH up is intended to hydroponic culture systems pH nutritional enhancement (deacidification). pH down intended to hydroponic culture systems nourishing pH value decrease (increase the acidity). instructions Application. Before starting to adjust the pH, checked with the pH litmus strips or pH meter support (TEST STRIPS OR PH METER ARE NOT INCLUDED). pH adjustment add a few drops of the preparation of the nutrient solution in the system, re-measure the pH. Repeat the process until you achieve the desired pH. The required rate of use of the product depends on the current pH, plant growth stage, and from the nutrient solution composition and concentration. Most plants recommended solution acidity - pH 5.5-6.5. pH adjusting agents always use the low rates. Do not mix up with acid pH, and the pH down with alkalis and other incompatible products. Always use the prepared nourishing solution. The optimum pH for different plants are not equal, so here are some recommendations for some more grown: Plants The recommended pH Onions from 6.5 to 7.0 Peppers 5.5-7.0 Strawberries 5.5-6.5 Tomatoes 5.5-6.5 cucumbers from 5.8 to 6.0 Salad 6.0-6.5