Hourglass 60 Minutes Kitchen Sand Timer Clock Home Decration Office Desk Ornament Sandglass (Green Sand)

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About Sand Timer It consists of two glass spheres and a narrow connecting pipe and wooden frame. Hourglass working principle: The hourglass is also known as sand clock, a time measurement device. The hourglass has many different meanings, such as friendship, affection, love, pessimistic people think that love is like the hourglass of the sand as captive. I always thought that the hourglass remembers the goodness of the past Once the pain picked up the hourglass memories of everything will be beautiful of. Different colors of the hourglass represents a different meaning: Green Hourglass: represents life, safety, youth, peace, nature, growth. Blue hourglass: wisdom, sky, fresh, vitality of life. Purple hourglass: mystery, romance, love. Red hourglass: passion, boldness, joy, celebration. Black hourglass: serious, night, sedate. White hourglass: pure and simple. Orange hourglass: no confusion, strong upward mobility, strong social skills. Boys send girls hourglass is: wait, cherish the time do not waste youth. Girls like to send the boys hourglass is: the passage of time, youth short, I hope you to cherish yourself.